Clear Your Mind
Ever felt like your head was full of "stuff"?
Like you were trying to juggle 20 balls and catching none?
Wouldn't it be fantastic to clear your mind and give yourself some clarity and calmness?
90 minute session to clear basic blocks and provide a clearer and calmer focus.
A complimetary MP3 to help embed changes.
A follow up message to monitor progress.
Clarity, Control and Confidence
Take yourself from feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed - to having a clear mind, a sense of direction and increased motivation to move forward.
Includes a "Clear your mind" session
One session per week for 3 weeks
Tailored one-to-one mindset and motivational sessions in person or via Skype.
SOS text, FaceTime or phone support to ensure you remain in control and focused.
Continued support and encouragement throughout your journey to ensure you remain on track.
Complimentary MP3 to embed changes even quicker.
Stress to Success
Why not really focus on reshaping the way you think, the way you feel and the way you behave by clearing your mind, gaining clarity, control and confidence. You will have more energy, your sleep will improve and you will be able to experience the wonderful feeling of success. It is a unique change programme from the inside out.
One session per week for 6 weeks - including a clear your mind session
Tailored one-to-one mindset and motivational sessions in person or via Skype.
SOS text, FaceTime or phone support to ensure you remain in control and focused.
Mind programming techniques to help you create new habits and maintain motivation.
Continued support and encouragement throughout your journey to ensure you remain on track.
Complimentary MP3 to embed changes even quicker.
You invest in me – I invest in you…
All sessions can be undertaken either:
At my clinic in Malmesbury and Brinkworth
Online – via Facetime, Skype, zoom